Scalpel's Edge

A surgeon's notes

How to choose a medical specialty

I like this. Just think of me as a mean, hardworking and sane. That does all the right things for my ego.

Inspired by my interactions with residents training in all major specialties, I have created an algorithm to guide students’ choice of specialty on the basis of their personality characteristics. Boris Veynsman

Veynsman medical school choice.gif

Image by Veynsman BMJ 2005;331(7531):1529 (24 December), doi:10.1136/bmj.331.7531.1529

5 responses to “How to choose a medical specialty”

  1. bongi says:

    i saw this algorithm about a week ago for the first time. really funny.

  2. AlliW says:

    Where is the obs?

  3. Cris says:

    @AlliW: Strange. Not my diagram, mind. Maybe that is an entirely different algorrithm?

  4. Sandnsurf says:

    Still not sure about being crazy with a short attention span…MMmmm helicopter

  5. f.flament says:

    dermatologist ….,ne pas aimer trop travailler : totalement faux ! quoique ….

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