Scalpel's Edge

A surgeon's notes

I want

I want to be the best surgeon I can be

I want to impress at least one future trainee with my operative skills

I want to answer the call – from junior staff, nursing staff and patients.  I want to be the person who does reply.

I want to feel confident and competent to manage the patient I have in front of me each day.

I want to admit my mistakes and say “I don’t know” if I need to.

If I run late, I want my colleagues to be surprised.

I want my children to know what I do, and understand why I choose to leave them to do it.

I want to have fun.

I want to have patients who found out about me from another patient.

I want to fix people.  When people can’t be fixed, I want them not to be afraid, alone or in pain.

I want to be there. I want my patients to know my face as well as my name on their bed card.

I want to not have to write blogposts as therapy. 😉

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