Scalpel's Edge

A surgeon's notes

Starting Over

Welcome to 2011.

I am excited to have the new year beginning, as this is a big one for us as a family. The biggest adjustment is my returning to clinical work. I have not worked with awake patients since my kids were born, having been focussed on medical research.

It is a totally different sort of job, and one I loved and found exceptionally challenging. For me, clinical work is so many contradictions: brief, but intense connections with patients, rewarding tasks that can’t be mastered by simply “trying harder”. Also, the long hours, on call and exhaustion.

I’m starting to get really scared. One month to go.

One response to “Starting Over”

  1. haleyma says:

    Great! Welcome back…to clinical medicine and to your blog. I ran across your blog (s) a couple of years ago and you started me on my own journey with GTD and smartphones. Thanks. I’m glad I checked your site tonight and look forward to reading more. I’ve even started my own little blog…but it’s not quite ready for prime time as yet.

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