Scalpel's Edge

A surgeon's notes


Last time I wrote, I was working in vascular surgery. I finished that a month and a half ago, and it was one of the most rewarding jobs I have done. Actually, I have been really lucky in my training. I can’t remember a boring surgical rotation. They have all been full of excitement and revelation.

Vascular was not a job I chose, but it was an amazing experience. I learned how to manage pus really, really well. I learnt how to care for sick surgical patients with significant co-morbidities. I learned how to respect vessels, and not be scared of them. I learned how to do varicose veins, a lot. I learned how to work in a unit with two consultants, and DrM and I managed to make that work exceptionally well. In fact all the surgeons, techs and support staff were excellent.

I am relatively unemotional (excluding crying in movies and books, which doesn’t count) so I was amazed at how sad I was leaving that unit. my goodbyes consisted of a few “Yeah, um, thanks for, you know, everything.” Hope they understood what I meant.

For my new job, I have returned to my one true love, general surgery. I am relieved to find that I love it. And my new bosses seem to be happy with my skills and experience. I am already being trusted to perform elective surgeries under my own supervision. Which procedures? Varicose veins, of course.

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