Scalpel's Edge

A surgeon's notes

Tweets are Funny

Twitter is a microblogging service where users share their lfe 140 characters at a time.  Here is a collection of some of my favourite January tweets.


movinmeat Went to see a patient, my dentist was sitting in the room. It was his mother. And I am scheduled for a filling tomorrow. No pressure. 
danmccredden Quote from the workplace “my doctor *told* me to document everything that goes on at this place” 
precordialthump Whenever you have a bad idea, shout “Akerue!” – the opposite of eureka. 
Aaron Logan
pyknosis If phyisicians were permitted to be as inept as auto mechanics, no one would leave the hospital alive. 
Tim Siedell
badbanana I don’t want flying cars! I don’t need a car full of drunk teenagers crashing through my second floor bedroom at 2am. 
Geek2Nurse @joemd Nursing school is one problem. For reasons I do not understand, nurses eat their young. Low instructor pay is doubtless a factor. 
Rachel Murphy
facelikefizz Good grief. My mum just bought an iPhone and a MacBook Pro. And now she’s sending me texts asking where are the games on the phone! 
Matthew Magain
mattymcg is eating Wizz Fizz. 
Jonathan Poh
jpoh ooh look.. i just found this KEWL website called it’s got music and stuff, and I can customise my profile page too.. AWESOME 
SylviaPlath I am getting 3yo to eat meals by telling her it’s “dog food”. She’s convinced she’s a puppy 
Andrew Sayer
andrewsayer When someone asks if you’re a god, you say “Yes”. 
Kevin Yank
sentience My iPod touch just told me I’m “running out of disk space”. Am I being pedantic, or does this bother you because the iPod touch has no disk? 
Mr Onthemoon
firstdogonmoon That is not the United States of America it is a pair of angry underpants 
Mr Onthemoon
firstdogonmoon I have unfollowed a bunch of people who dont follow me. I feel shallow. 

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  1. […] Scalpels Edge Tweet collections and Greatest Hits from @DrCris […]

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